Fiscal Stability


  • Based on internal SRJC documents ("Monitoring and Assessment of District Fiscal Condition", PowerPoint presentation, November 2014.


  • The visualization uses the "Sound Fiscal Management Self-Assessment Checklist (Dec. 2014)" data for 15 various areas. The completion rates are calculated by giving the "Yes" answers 100 score, "Yes/No" answers 50 score and "No" answers 0 score and by computing the arithmetical mean of these scores.
  • The  goals were established by the Strategic Planning Group. The goal completion level is indicated by oak leaves color as follows:
    • needs work
    • half done
    • almost done
    • completed

Additional Data

Total Revenues per FTES
revenue per ftes
Total Annual Reserve per FTES
total reserve per ftes
Total Expenditures (Obj. Codes 1000 through 5000) per FTES
expenditure per ftes
Rate of Institutional Costs
institutional costs